Do you have questions about probate? Learn the steps to the process, how long it takes, and when probate is required in BC.
There are a myriad of myths and misconceptions around estate planning. Understanding the intricacies of estate planning is essential to ensure the orderly distribution of assets and protecting the security of your loved ones. Here are some of the most common estate planning myths you should know about. Get Estate Planning Help Myth 1:…
If you are interested in charitable giving in your will, it is important to understand how to properly name a charity as a beneficiary.
Tips on unmarried & child free estate planning. How to choose an executor, naming a charity as a beneficiary, & planning for your pets.
After drafting your will, you will likely need to update it several times over the years. Learn when and how to update your will.
Not Making a Will One of the most obvious common mistakes is simply not making a will. Most people realize that they should have a will, but many keep putting it off until it is too late. Creating a will is an essential part of estate planning, no matter your age or health status. If…
A will is essential and creating one should be the first step you take toward estate planning, but most people require more than just a will for a complete estate plan. Estate planning will look different for different people, depending on the type of assets you have and how many beneficiaries you have. Here are…
Pets are wonderful companions that become part of the family. Having a pet can provide people with a sense of purpose, decrease loneliness, and can improve quality of life for those who are aging or ill. However, many people do not know how to plan for their pets’ care after they are gone. Options…
Advantages and Disadvantages of Joint Ownership for Will Planning Many clients come to us asking about whether joint ownership is the right choice for them in terms of estate planning. Here are the basics to know about joint ownership for will planning. What is Joint Ownership? Joint ownership is exactly what it sounds like:…
How to Leave Assets to Minors Responsibly When we have clients looking to leave an inheritance to minor children, we generally see two main types of this situation: people wanting to leave a large sum of money (usually parents planning to provide for minor children in the event of their untimely death) or wanting to…